Funky Town Fridge

Fort Worth has its first community fridge and it’s pretty fantastic!

The first community appliance is located at 3144 Bryan Avenue in Fort Worth’s Southside. I got a chance to talk to Fort Worth founder Kendra Richardson about what a community fridge is. Funky Town Fridge operates with a spirit of “come as you are and take what you need.” It’s up to the city and the people within it to participate and take care of each other. Essentially, if you’re in a position where you’re able to donate a little extra, stop by and add it to the fridge or pantry. If you’re in need of groceries or know someone who is, simply pick some up. “We never want anyone to feel as though they’re less because they choose to participate in taking the food out of the fridge.”

I stopped by to check it out and I loved what I saw. It’s easy to spot, on the side of The Greenhouse 817 and decorated by local artists. Next to the fridge are a few shelves where you can drop off non-perishables. You’ll also see a few signs with information about the fridge, guidelines for food donations, and next to that a sink with soap.


The fridge has been open for just over a week and Kendra already has more planned. I’m inspired by her and Funky Town Fridge. The next time I pick up groceries, I’ll be having my checklist handy and picking up some extra groceries to bring by!

If you want to drop off food, stop by 3144 Bryan Avenue, Fort Worth.

If you’d like to volunteer, host a fridge, or donate, you can find more information here.



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